Redefining Gen Z Shopping: How American Eagle Made Every Click Count
American Eagle Outfitters partnered with Jewel ML to deliver a hyper-personalized online experience, boosting conversions among its Gen Z shoppers.
American Eagle Outfitters, beloved by Gen Z for its on-trend apparel and accessible style, faced a unique challenge: how to keep their tech-savvy audience engaged in an increasingly crowded online marketplace. To address this, American Eagle leveraged Jewel ML’s AI-powered personalization to bring a fresh perspective to their digital storefront.
The partnership introduced real-time recommendations that mirrored in-store styling experiences. From suggesting outfit bundles based on browsing patterns to highlighting trending items loved by their demographic, Jewel ML enabled American Eagle to create an interactive, tailored journey. The result? A double digit increase in conversions, proving that technology and fashion innovation can inspire the next generation of shoppers